A Two-way Remote Control Alarming System with the Functions of Self-check and Inquiry 具有自检和查询功能的双向遥控报警系统
It presents the network architecture. describes the remote inquiry based on Client/ Server pattern and system features. 给出了网络构架,介绍了基于客户机/服务器模式的远程查询和系统特点。
Remote real-time inquiry for network financial system 网络财务系统的远程实时查询
E-mail has its special characteristics and is widely adopted in modern life for online shopping, remote medical treatment, information exchange, network education, entertainment, information inquiry, consultation and etc. 简述并探讨了Email的特点及在现代生活中如家庭购物、远程医疗信息交流、网络教育、文化娱乐、信息获取、咨询及检索等的广泛应用。
Guangxi Electric Power Company is taken as example to illustrate the needs for background to implement accounting network, the application of real-time remote inquiry system and FMIS in accounting. 最后,以广西电力有限公司为例,说明实施会计网络化的背景、实时查询系统和FMIS在会计上的应用。
It consists of the sensor network, the base station, the server and the client. The key issues in system design are studied including vehicle detection, data communication, information processing, and remote inquiry. 研究了系统设计中目标检测、网络通讯、信息处理、远程查询等关键问题,介绍了关键技术。
Databases for cab electric circuit and its detecting results are also set up for real time display and subsequent inquiry, including remote inquiry by intranet. 建立了驾驶室电路系统和检测结果查询数据库,不仅可以实现对检测结果的实时显示,而且可以进行对检测结果历史数据的本机查询,并通过Intranet进行远程的检测结果查询。
Based on the real-time remote monitoring and control system, an ActiveX control ( including WinSock control) used in remote temperature monitering and control system is designed to realize the functions such as configuration of temperature status parameter, history inquiry and real-time remote monitoring and control. 同时以远程实时监控系统的方案为基础,设计了一个远程温度监控系统的ActiveX控件(包含WinSock控件),实现了温度状况参数设置、历史查询、实时监控等功能。
The monitoring plan is that the testing data is on-line monitoring as the principal thing, the normative operation is monitoring by image, and the system calibration data is monitoring through remote inquiry. 监控的方案是测试过程数据以在线数据监控为主,操作的规范性用图像监控,系统标定数据主要通过远程查询监控。
The software in this system was divided into operating station software and monitoring services software. It also designed several functions of the parameter setting, remote operations, alarm history inquiry, and so on. 3. 将软件分为操作站软件和监控服务软件,并设计了参数设置、遥控操作、告警历史查询等多项功能。
Although this operation is simple, but it can not provide real-time remote inquiry it is controlled by shortcomings of labor management so that the operation is not flexible enough, the error rate is relatively high. 此操作虽然简单,但无法提供实时查询,而且受制于人工管理的弊端,操作不够灵活,出错率也比较高。
Data management system has the following features: database user management, data archiving and clear, material recovery, log management, remote inquiry, configuration management, database installation, database maintenance, database recovery, data monitoring. 数据管理系统的具有如下功能:数据库用户管理、资料归档与清除、资料恢复、日志管理、异地查询、配置表管理、数据库安装、数据库维护、数据库恢复、数据库监控功能。
On the Windows operating system and IIS platform, the remote inquiry service of the RP machining parameters has been realized. 在IIS平台上,利用ASP,ADO,SQL实现了RP加工工艺参数的远程查询服务功能。